Short Rib Ragu

This recipe comes to me from my Italian mother-in-law, I adapted it to cook low and slow all day in my slowcooker.

In her own words:

"The key to yummy Sunday Gravy is a slow start early and enjoy your favorite Pasta with Sunday Gravy in the afternoon with la famiglia!

Also, the recipe is not precise. It's one of those family recipes that gets better as you tweek it to the way you like it - a little more of this a little less of that. Also, it can take a life time to perfect - just ask Robbie!"

A few months back I made Sunday gravy and brought it over to my mother-in-law as part of a birthday gift, I wasn't sure how using the slowcooker would turn out, it's a bit unorthodox after all.

Thankfully it all turned out perfect and I received many compliments. See this post for pictures! I wrote out my adapted recipe so I can easily refer back to it and, mostly, to share it all with you all!

I hope you get to enjoy this hearty soulful food with your loved ones soon.

Sunday Gravy
active time: 30 minutes total time: 8.5 hours


Lamb chops, beef, or pork ribs whichever you prefer; enough to feed the family
2 6oz. cans of tomato paste
1 28oz can of San Marzano Style Peeled Tomatoes
1 medium sized onion chopped
any red house wine
Olive oil (preferably not virgin which is best used for salads not sautéing)
Salt and pepper
Italian seasonings: oregano, basil, red pepper, bay leaf, parsley


In a large cast iron skillet brown all sides of the meat in olive oil

Set aside and pat dry

Add diced onion to skillet, cook until soften

Add onions and meat to the bottom of a suitably sized crockpot

To the hot skillet pour in a few "glugs" of wine to deglaze the pan and scrape up any bits of meat or onion that remain

Add canned tomatoes to skillet, mashing and stirring until mixed with wine and sediments

Stir in the two cans of tomato paste

Add seasonings to taste

Slowly pour the tomatoes mixture into the crockpot

Cook on low for 8+ hours

Serve over thick pasta such as pappardelle or large rigatoni, or keep it Whole 30 and eat with roasted cauliflower!


Love, Jenoa + Dinah


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