The Sun | November 1st
Joan Miró, Untitled1947, published 1952–53
- Happy All Saints Day. I hope you find a quiet moment today to light a candle and to pray over those who have passed away.
"Almighty God, who hast knit together your elect in onecommunion and fellowship in the mystical body of your SonChrist our Lord: Give us grace so to follow your blessedsaints in all virtuous and godly living, that we may come tothose ineffable joys that you have prepared for those whounfeignedly love you; through the same Jesus Christ ourLord, who with you and the Holy Spirit live and reign,one God, in glory everlasting. Amen."
- Grace for the Frozen Food Chef - A lovely post from my friend Lizzy over on the Mockingbird blog. (Which inspired me to load my freezer full of microwavable meals of grace.)
- I made this Jalapeño Popper dip for a Halloween gathering -- my aunt always made this during the holidays and I love it so much. I like it with Ritz, tortilla chips, or ruffles
- Two things from 99% Invisible. First, an episode about Sign Stealing in baseball which I enjoyed. Second, an article about so-called "witch windows" and "dragon gates" in architecture.
- I love the Townsends Youtube Channel, this cooking video features the last meal of Icabod Crane.
- Last night our church hosted a youth movie night, we watched Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. I created little menu guides to take us through the film. I wanted to share them because 1) I thought they ended up being wonderful and 2) You might want to enjoy your leftover halloween candy with a movie.
- Speaking of leftover halloween candy - If you have any laying around the house next week, make some chocolate chip cookies using chopped up candy bars as the chips. Here's my favorite recipe. I learned this idea from author Shauna Neiquist.
Have a great week,
Made by Jenoa Saplin, October 2020 |
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