Present over Perfect, 2014 Endcap
Happy New Years, everyone. I hope like me you've enjoyed a spectacular year. A year of exploring new places and exploring who you are and what you're about. Personally 2014 was a year of thousands of miles traveled. Multiple beds slept in. Many modes of transportation. Endless friends made. Hearing God's voice. Feeling far away. Grace absorbed. Love released.
It's gloomy and freezing outside today, and I am enjoying the cold with a cup of coffee, home-made granola, and bacon wrapped dates. I am reflecting over the year and so many great things have happened. Even just in the past two weeks I've seen many old friends and new friends to celebrate the birth of Jesus (and my birth too!) I've spent time around a fire with some great beers in hand talking through our lives and sharing stories with each other. I am so thankful for time spent with friends and I hope 2015 is overflowing with new experiences similar to these. I hope in 2015 I say YES MORE.
Bacon Wrapped Dates
It's gloomy and freezing outside today, and I am enjoying the cold with a cup of coffee, home-made granola, and bacon wrapped dates. I am reflecting over the year and so many great things have happened. Even just in the past two weeks I've seen many old friends and new friends to celebrate the birth of Jesus (and my birth too!) I've spent time around a fire with some great beers in hand talking through our lives and sharing stories with each other. I am so thankful for time spent with friends and I hope 2015 is overflowing with new experiences similar to these. I hope in 2015 I say YES MORE.
Yes to going more places, to new friends, to drinking more coffee, to eating more amazing food, yes to God's calling on my life.
I've never been big into resolutions but I do want 2015 to be a year like no other for me. A year of learning more, eating new and unusual things, and spending more quality time with God.
Lots of my past year has been shaped by my favourite author Shauna Niequist. She is all about 'present over perfect,' and I want 2015 to be a continuation of that mantra. 'Present over perfect' and 'your timing, not mine' have been on the forethought of my mind and I want to keep it that way. I want to look back on 2015 next December and still feel the sense of accomplishment and success I feel this season, even if I have made many many mistakes and slip-ups.
I love you all and I hope you all get to spend NYE with people you love, around a fire, on a mountain, by the ocean, alone with a book, in a crowded bar, or on a dance floor. Wherever it may be try and find contentment and love in that moment. Thank your God for getting you to today. Give someone a hug or kiss.
"Churches are good for prayer, but so are garages and cars and mountains and showers and dance floors.” - Anne Lamott
If you're still looking for a great NYE party recipe this one from my girl Shauna Niequist is all you need. Look no further than bacon wrapped dates. I made this for a party with friends last week and honestly they were so delicious. Crunchy, creamy, salty, sweet, amazing little bites.
Bacon Wrapped Dates
1 pkg pitted dates
4 oz goat cheese
1 pkg bacon
4 oz goat cheese
1 pkg bacon
Slice dates in half and open them up.
Scoop a small amount of goat cheese into the center of the dates, and close them back up.
Cut the whole package of bacon in half, so that each long strip is now half as long.
Wrap a half-slice of bacon around the outside of the date.
Arrange seam side down in a baking dish or on a baking sheet with sides to catch any grease.
(A foil pan is really nice for no clean-up)
Bake at 400 degrees for about 20 minutes, or until well browned.
Drain on paper towel, and serve warm or at room temperature.
Scoop a small amount of goat cheese into the center of the dates, and close them back up.
Cut the whole package of bacon in half, so that each long strip is now half as long.
Wrap a half-slice of bacon around the outside of the date.
Arrange seam side down in a baking dish or on a baking sheet with sides to catch any grease.
(A foil pan is really nice for no clean-up)
Bake at 400 degrees for about 20 minutes, or until well browned.
Drain on paper towel, and serve warm or at room temperature.
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