The Grass is Green Where You Water It

Yes yes yes, the title of this post comes from Big Sean's verse in the Bieb's song 'As Long As You Love Me,' but stay with me here...

Even though this rap is hardly Sean's best work, this one line stuck with me:

But the grass ain't always greener on the other side // It's green where you water it

How often do we run away from our problems because we think it would be easier to start anew? 

How often do we think that a relationship with a friend is over because both parties have been hurt? 

How often do we think that if we buy something new we'll feel better about ourselves?? 

Etc. You get the idea.

We are in a 'throw away culture' but how good is it to know that God is not a part of the throw away business! 

So today how can we begin to think like Christ? 

As we go into Thanksgiving tomorrow and, knowing that Christmas is just around the corner, here are some things we can start to think about

What are some ways be can begin  'watering' family relationships that might need some work? Or continuing to water and be blessed by the great relationships we already have.

How can we work on practical things like fixing that bathroom tile that has been in need of a fix up for weeks now? Or taking a better look at our finances this season to realize that perhaps spending and spending isn't making us any happier or our situation any easier....

How can we also think about 'watering' our relationship with Christ this Holiday Season? 

In Galatians 6 Paul writes "You will always harvest what you plant," so this season of life lets work on watering the good seeds in our life! 

I hope everyone has a very wonderful Thanksgiving here in the US, and that as many in the world gather in the coming weeks to celebrate the birth and life of Christ that we will work on becoming more like him in every aspect of our lives.

Let's also remember to pray for those hurting around the world during this time, the lost, the broken, the homeless, the forgotten, those in war torn areas, and especially those who are away from their loved ones during this time of celebration.

Happy Thanksgiving, Happy Hanukkah, and Merry Christmas everyone :)



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